Wing Your Loans and Payments
Whether you need a direct personal loan or a shopping loan, get special rates and payment options from assorted banks even if you do not have a bank account at present.
Are you shopping from a Finso exclusive retailer? Then, you are ready to go with discounted prices and special loan rates for your shopping.
Compare loan offers from numerous banks to find out which one best fits your budget. Rates, payment plans, total repayment and possible incurring costs are all under your finger.
Select the loan option and then fire-and-forget the application and payment procedures. Your shopping loan will be deposited to the retailer's account. You apply fast and receive fast.
Select among your bank accounts and pay your shopping via wire transfer to your retailer's account with a few touches.
List special rates and payment options from diverse banks for your personal loan. Apply for the one that best fits for you. Your personal loan amount will be directly deposited to your bank account. You still apply fast and receive fast.
Get to inspect the goods or services before accepting them. Finso-partnered Retailer receives payment only upon your approval of the delivery in good condition.
Enrich your digital experience by assorted mobile banking and shopping processes ranging from accessing your bank account credits to purchasing insurance.
With Finso in-app real-time video call, get 7/24/365 support from Finso teams in face-to-face conversations online. We are ready to make your smart phone your trusted companion in relieving you life.
No membership fee. No service charge. All services provided by Finso are free for you.